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Drama Queen • Kas

There are many people like this. In the holistic industry, we call them “energy vampires”…nothing sinister about the term only that there are certain people who will drain the energy from you, leaving you very lethargic and stressed, which in itself can have a knock-on effect on your own life and health. There is nothing neurologically wrong with them apart from the fact that they respond quickly to stimuli and their body is pumped full of adrenalin (and cortisol) for the “fight or flight” behavior. Their view of “their world” is very different from others but this does not mean to say that their views are wrong…just different.

I have many clients that try their very best to cope but the daily grind does wear them out. However, rather than try and change their children or spouses and friends perspective of life (you can’t unless they are willing to do so themselves and if you pressurize them into it, then you will be the eternal enemy)- I teach them how to change their own responses to the situation. For example, a “drama queen” but by reacting to her demands for attention, you are actually validating her behaviour. If you told her what she wanted to hear, for some peace, then you are also confirming that her perspective on life is right and empowering. But if you changed your response ( hard though it may be), it will at least ensure that your health, body and mind is stress free so you can enjoy Your life on your own terms. By changing your response (no, you don’t have to be cold), you will be saying, “ I am here if you need me but I won’t be dragged into your drama”. This is an act of love for the “Be cruel to be kind” cliché.  

f you have a problem that you would like to share with me, please email me at: [email protected] or visit my website at:www.lifemaxxinternational.com. I will try my very best to personally respond to all queries.

Have faith in yourself for I am here to take this journey with you.

Warmest regards,




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